On 7th of November 2020 the menu with special dishes from national cuisines of Australia and New Zealand was offered to guests of restaurant «Steak House Ribay» (Samara). In order of COVID-19 the event was organized with all required safety measures. Chef of restaurant «FAFF» (Penza) (https://www.instagram.com/faff_penza/?hl=ru) Vera Kulikova offered guests various culinary delights from refreshing ceviche made from white fish to elegant cake «Pavlova». Diverse and unusual for midland Russians dishes were accompanied by great white and red wines produced in Australia and New Zealand. Music created a really unique atmosphere of Oceania in restaurant throughout the event. So, musicians from Samara’s Philharmonia performed symphonic music with authentic motifs of New Zealand. Also, during the event guests could hear famous pop-hits of Australian musicians. President of ICWAG Leonid Gelibterman is a creator of the project «Cuisines of the world» in Samara region, so he also was the Master of ceremony on a gastronomy dinner «Cuisines of Ozzy and Kiwi».