
International conference "Theoretical and practical aspects of development gastrotourism"

On 25th of February 2021 the president of ICWAG Leonid Gelibterman gave a presentation «Gastronomic Tourism in the world and Russian Federation» in online format as part of an International scientific-practical conference «Theoretical and practical aspects of development gastronomic tourism». International center of wine and gastronomy (ICWAG) was one of the partners in organizing the conference. During the presentations speakers from Russia and Finland discussed the results of the international project «KALITKA» (CBC KA4007). The project was focused on development of the cross-border gastronomic tourism and socio-economic support of adjacent territories by unifying businesses from both borders based on the culture of the Karelian National Cuisine. The project was supported by a program of the cross-border cooperation «Karelia» and the project is also financed by European Union, Finland and Russia.

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