2023-07-12 21:24

A round table "The Growth of Gastrodiplomacy" was held in the editorial office of the Komsomolskaya Pravda Media Group with the support of Ecumene

The editorial board of the Komsomolskaya Pravda Media Group and Ecumene Program Director Sergey Rybakov organized the round table "The Growth of Gastrodiplomacy". The ICWAG President Leonid Gelibterman, was entrusted to select Russian and foreign speakers for a professional discussion, as well as to act as a key expert on the topic. The round table was attended by:

Victoria Valueva – Head of Marketing and Advertising Department of the Ambassador Kaluga Hotel, Director of the Autonomous nonprofit organization "Center for Development and Promotion of Tourism and Culture" Indicator"

José Antonio Vidal – Global Wine Tourism Organization (GWTO) President CEO

Paolo Venturini – Champion ultra- runner, Goodwill Ambassador of the Northern Forum

Anna Zhukova – President of the Russian National Culinary Association

Anna Mazmanyan – founder of the gastronomic projects "Yerevan Food Fest" and "Gastronomic Map of Armenia"

Sergey Melik-Bagdasarov – Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Dominican Republic concurrently, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Haiti concurrently

Sergey Myasoedov – Vice-Rector of RANEPA, Director of the Institute of Business Studies (IBS)

Marisa Ramos – Professor at the University of Anáhuac (Mexico City), an expert on gastroturism and gastrodiplomacy

Vladimir Rusanov – Minister of Tourism of the Kamchatka Krai

Anton Salnikov – Chef, participant of projects "Russian gastronomy weeks" and "Gastrocamp"

Alexander Sidorov – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, IZ.RU (Izvestia News Center)

Alexander Sirchenko – Deputy General Director, Fun&Sun Company (ex. TUI Russia)

Irina Timonina – Doctor of Economics, Professor at the Institute of Business Studies (IBS, RANEPA)
