2022-09-13 19:28

The president of ICWAG was a moderator in the specialised session of Saint-Petersburg's Congress and Exhibition Bureau on exhibition "OTDYKH" in Moscow

From 13th to 15th of September the international forum-exhibition on tourism "OTDYKH Leisure 2022" took place in Moscow. In the framework of its business programme the Saint-Petersburg's Congress and Exhibition Bureau with support of  the Committee for tourism development of St. Petersburg organized a special session "Gastronomy tourism of interregional project "Silver necklace of Russia: festivals, gastro tours, gastro projects"". The president of ICWAG Leonid Gelibterman moderated this session. Heads of tourism authorities of Saint-Petersburg, Leningrad Region, Murmansk Region, Republic of Karelia, Arkhangelsk Region, tour operators and hoteliers shared their experience with participants of the session.