2021-05-20 15:03

The presentation of a new educational programme was presented at the IBS-Moscow

On 20th of May the presentation of a new educational programme "Gastrodiplomacy" , the Principal Investigator is the President of ICWAG Leonid Gelibterman, was presented at a Faculty of International relations of the Institute of Business Studies (RANEPA). The presentation was opened by the Vice-Rector of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Academy and Public Administration, Director of the Institute of Business Studies RANEPA. After his welcome speech, the Head of the Department "International Relations" of IBS, RANEPA, Timonina Irina, presented the educational programme and guests of the event. President of thу ICWAG Leonid Gelibterman told students and professors about the new course's content. Special guests invited students to learn a new specialty (Demyan Smilevets, Head of the Directorate of the of International Cooperation of the Federal Agency for Tourism, the traveler Vadim Mamontov, the Marketing Director of the ISSI Group Anastasia Polyanskaya and leading specialist of the Alexander Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Fund, Sandra Stojiljkovic).